Source code for texfigure.texfigure

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import print_function
import os
import sys
import glob
from collections import OrderedDict, Sequence
import six

import numpy as np

import matplotlib
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

    import mayavi
    from mayavi import mlab
    HAVE_MAYAVI = True
except ImportError:
    HAVE_MAYAVI = False

    import yt
    HAVE_YT = True
except ImportError:
    HAVE_YT = False

__all__ = ['Manager', 'Figure', 'MultiFigure']

[docs]class Figure(object): r""" A class for holding a figure file, that knows how to represent itself as a latex environment. Parameters ---------- file_name : `str` The full path of the figure file. reference : `str` A reference label for this figure, used as default values for caption and label. Attributes ---------- fname : `str` The base name of the full file path base_dir : `str` The directory containing the figure file caption : `str` The caption to use when representing the figure. (Default ``Figure reference``) label : `str` The latex label assigned to the figure envrionment, will bre prefixed with ``'fig``. (Default ``fig:reference``) placement : `str` The figure envrionment placement value. (Default ``h``) figure_env_name : `str` The string used for the figure environment i.e. ``\begin{figure}``. Useful for changing to ``figure*`` etc. (Default ``figure``) figure_width : `str` The latex figure width, not used for pgf files. (Default ``0.95\columnwidth``) subfig_width : `str` LaTeX figure width for when the figure is included in a subfigure. (Default ``0.45\columnwidth``) subfig_placement : `str` The subfigure environment placement. (Default ``b``) extension_mapping : `dict` A mapping of file extensions to methods to return LaTeX includes for the file type. fig_str : `str` The LaTeX template for representing this `~texfigure.Figure` as a figure environment. subfig_str : `str` The LaTeX template for representing this `~texfigure.Figure` as a subfigure. Examples -------- .. code-block:: latex \begin{pycode} import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() plt.plot([1,2], [3,4], 'o') myfig = texfigure.Figure(fig, 'myfig') \end{pycode} \py|myfig| """ fig_str = r""" \begin{{{figure_env_name}}}[{placement}] \centering {myfig} \caption{{{caption}}} \label{{{label}}} \end{{{figure_env_name}}} """ # Note the different indentation here, this is deliberate. subfig_str = r""" \begin{{subfigure}}[{placement}]{{{width}}} {myfig} \caption{{{caption}}} \label{{{label}}} \end{{subfigure}}""" def __init__(self, file_name, reference=None): file_name = os.path.abspath(file_name) if not reference: self.reference = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(file_name))[1] else: self.reference = reference self.reference = self.reference.replace('_', '-') self.file_name = file_name self.fname = os.path.basename(file_name) self.base_dir = os.path.dirname(file_name) + '/' self.caption = "Figure {}".format(self.reference) self.label = "fig:{}".format(self.reference) self.placement = 'h' self.figure_env_name = "figure" self.figure_width = r'0.95\columnwidth' self.subfig_width = r'0.45\columnwidth' self.subfig_placement = 'b' self.extension_mapping = {'.pgf': self.get_pgf_include, '.png': self.get_standard_include, '.pdf': self.get_standard_include} @property def extension(self): """ File extension of fname. """ return os.path.splitext(self.fname)[1]
[docs] def get_pgf_include(self): """ Return the import statement for this `~texfigure.Figure` as a pgf file.close. """ return r"\IfFileExists{{{file_name}}}{{\import{{{base_dir}}}{{{fname}}}}}{{}}".format( fname=self.fname, base_dir=self.base_dir, file_name=self.file_name)
[docs] def get_standard_include(self): """ Return the includegraphics command for most other file types. """ return "\includegraphics[width={width}]{{{file_name}}}".format( width=self.figure_width, file_name=self.file_name)
[docs] def repr_figure(self): """ Return a string LaTeX figure environment for this `~texfigure.Figure` """ default_kwargs = {'placement': self.placement, 'caption': self.caption, 'label': self.label, 'figure_env_name': self.figure_env_name} myfig = self.extension_mapping[self.extension]() return self.fig_str.format(myfig=myfig, **default_kwargs)
[docs] def repr_subfigure(self): """ Return a string subfigure environment for this `~texfigure.Figure` """ default_kwargs = {'placement': self.subfig_placement, 'width': self.subfig_width, 'caption': self.caption, 'label': self.label} myfig = self.extension_mapping[self.extension]() return self.subfig_str.format(myfig=myfig, **default_kwargs)
def _repr_latex_(self): return self.repr_figure()
[docs]class MultiFigure(Sequence): r""" A Multifigure is a container object for building subfigures from `texfigure.Figure` classes. Parameters ---------- nrows : `int` Number of rows for the MultiFigure. ncols : `int` Number of columns for the MultiFigure. Attributes ---------- figures : `numpy.ndarray` Array holding `texfigure.Figure` objects, has a shape of (nrows, ncols). caption : `str` The caption to use when representing the figure. (Default ``Figure reference``) label : `str` The latex label assigned to the figure envrionment. (Default ``fig:reference``) placement : `str` The figure envrionment placement value. (Default ``h``) frontmatter : `str` LaTeX code included in the first line of the figure environment. (Default ``\centering``) Examples -------- .. code-block:: latex \begin{pycode} muti = texfigure.MultiFigure(1,2) X = [[5,6], [7,8]] Y = [[1,2], [3,4]] for x,y in zip(X,Y): fig = plt.figure() plt.plot(x, y, 'o') Fig1 = texfigure.Figure(fig) multi.append(Fig) \end{pycode} \py|multi| """ fig_str = r""" \begin{{figure*}} {frontmatter} {myfig} \caption{{{caption}}} \label{{{label}}} \end{{figure*}} """ def __init__(self, nrows, ncols, reference='', continuation=False): self.nrows = nrows self.ncols = ncols self.reference = reference self.caption = "MultiFigure {}".format(self.reference) self.label = "fig:{}".format(self.reference) self.placement = 'H' self.frontmatter = '\centering' if continuation: self.frontmatter += '\n' + r'\ContinuedFloat' self.figures = np.zeros([nrows, ncols], dtype=object) self.figures[:] = None def __len__(self): return self.figures.size() # TODO: This is not really felxible enough. It dosen't work when ncols > 1. # It should probably be a method which can split it into x vertical chunks. def __getitem__(self, key): """ Return a continuation when indexed, unless indexed for a single figure, when we return the `texfigure.Figure` instance. """ if isinstance(key, int): return self.figures.flat[key] elif isinstance(key, slice): # If this is the start of the list then it's not a cont. if key.start is None or key.start == 0: continuation = False new_ref = self.reference else: continuation = True new_ref = self.reference + "-c" new_figures = self.figures[key] new_mf = MultiFigure(*new_figures.shape, reference=new_ref, continuation=continuation) new_mf.figures = new_figures # If we are at the end then add the caption if key.stop is None or key.stop == self.figures.size: new_mf.caption = self.caption else: new_mf.caption = '' return new_mf else: raise KeyError("MultiFigure only supports 1D indexing.")
[docs] def append(self, figure): """ Add a `texfigure.Figure` object to the next empty slot in the `~texfigure.MultiFigure`. """ if not isinstance(figure, Figure): raise TypeError("Only texfigure.Figures can be" " appended to a MultiFigure") empties = np.logical_not(self.figures.flat).nonzero()[0] if len(empties): self.figures.flat[empties[0]] = figure else: raise ValueError("This MultiFigure is full")
def _repr_latex_(self): default_kwargs = {'placement': self.placement, 'caption': self.caption, 'label': self.label, 'frontmatter': self.frontmatter} subfigures = "" for i, fig in enumerate(self.figures.flat): if fig: if i % self.ncols == 0: subfigures += '\n' subfigures += fig.repr_subfigure() return self.fig_str.format(myfig=subfigures, **default_kwargs)
[docs]class Manager(object): """ A class holding information about different figures and data. Parameters ---------- pytex : ``PythonTeXUtils`` instance. The pytex object from the PythonTeX session. number : `int` Numerical index for this chapter. base_path : `str` Path in which ``Data``, ``Figs`` and ``Python`` directories will be created to hold files related to this manager. If ``python_dir``, ``data_dir`` or ``figure_dir`` are specified then they will override this setting. python_dir : `bool` or `str` Path to a directory containing Python code to be added to the Python path. Overrides ``base_path/Python``. data_dir : `bool` or `str` Path to a directory containing data files which can be accessed through the manager. Overrides ``base_path/Data`` figure_dir : `bool` or `str` Path to a directory containing generated figures. Overrides ``base_path/Figs`` Attributes ---------- savefig_functions : `dict` A mapping between figure types and functions to save them to a given filename. Functions in the mapping must accept two arguments, the figure object and a filename, the function must return the filename as saved to disk. """ def __init__(self, pytex, base_path, number=1, python_dir=True, data_dir=True, fig_dir=True): self.pytex = pytex self._number = number self._base_path = base_path self._python_dir = None self.python_dir = python_dir self._data_dir = None self.data_dir = data_dir self._fig_dir = None self.fig_dir = fig_dir self.fig_count = 1 self._figure_registry = OrderedDict() self.savefigure_functions = {matplotlib.figure.Figure: self._save_mpl_figure} if HAVE_MAYAVI: self.savefigure_functions[mayavi.core.scene.Scene] = self._save_mayavi_figure if HAVE_YT: self.savefigure_functions[yt.visualization.plot_container.ImagePlotContainer] = self._save_yt_ipc def _add_dir(self, adir, attr, default): if adir: if not isinstance(adir, six.string_types): setattr(self, attr, os.path.join(self._base_path, default)) else: setattr(self, attr, adir) if not os.path.exists(getattr(self, attr)): os.makedirs(getattr(self, attr)) @property def data_dir(self): """ Data directory for files tracked with this manager. If data_dir is set to False no directory will be used, if set to True the default directory of ``manager.base_path/Data`` will be used, if data_dir is set to a `str` then that dir will be used. """ return self._data_dir @data_dir.setter def data_dir(self, value): self._add_dir(value, '_data_dir', 'Data') @property def fig_dir(self): """ Figure directory for figures tracked with this manager. If fig_dir is set to False no directory will be used, if set to True the default directory of ``manager.base_path/Figs`` will be used, if fig_dir is set to a `str` then that dir will be used. """ return self._fig_dir @fig_dir.setter def fig_dir(self, value): self._add_dir(value, '_fig_dir', 'Figs') @property def python_dir(self): """ Python directory for custom python code, this directory will be added to your Python Path. If python_dir is set to False no directory will be used, if set to True the default directory of ``manager.base_path/Python`` will be used, if python_dir is set to a `str` then that dir will be used. Notes ----- If this attribute is changed, the old directory will not be removed from the python path. """ return self._python_dir @python_dir.setter def python_dir(self, value): self._add_dir(value, '_python_dir', 'Python') if self._python_dir: sys.path.append(self._python_dir) @property def number(self): """ A Number indicating the position of this manager in a series of managers, i.e. chapters in a thesis. """ return self._number
[docs] def data_file(self, file_name): """ Get the full path of a data file in this chapters data directory, add it to the pytex tracked files. Parameters ---------- file_name : `str` The filename in the data directory """ fpattern = os.path.join(self.data_dir, file_name) fpaths = glob.glob(fpattern) for fpath in fpaths: self.pytex.add_dependencies(fpath) if not fpaths: raise ValueError("No files found matching this name or pattern.") elif len(fpaths) == 1: return fpaths[0] else: return fpaths
[docs] def make_figure_filename(self, ref, fname=None, fext='', fullpath=False): """ Return the standard template figure name with number. Parameters ---------- ref : `str` The latex reference for this figure (excluding 'fig:') fname : `str` Overwrite the default file name template with this name. Returns ------- fname : `str` The file name """ if not fname: fname = 'Chapter{}-Figure{}-{}{}'.format(self.number, self.fig_count, ref, fext) if fullpath: fname = os.path.join(self.fig_dir, fname) return fname
def _save_mpl_figure(self, fig, filename, **kwargs): """ A wrapper to save a matplotlib figure object to a file. """ fig.savefig(filename, **kwargs) return filename def _save_mayavi_figure(self, fig, filename, azimuth=153, elevation=62, distance=400, focalpoint=[25., 63., 60.], aa=16, size=(1024, 1024)): """ A wrapper to save a mayavi figure object """ scene = fig.scene scene.anti_aliasing_frames = aa mlab.view(azimuth=azimuth, elevation=elevation, distance=distance, focalpoint=focalpoint), size=size) return filename def _save_yt_ipc(self, slc, filename, **kwargs): if len(slc.plots) != 1: raise NotImplementedError("Can't currently handle a container with" " more than one plot!") fname, suffix = os.path.splitext(filename) filename, =, suffix=suffix[1:], **kwargs) return filename
[docs] def add_figure(self, ref, Fig): """ Add the figure to the tracked files and increment the figure count. Parameters ---------- ref : `str` The latex reference for this figure (excluding 'fig:') Fig : `texfigure.Figure` The `~texfigure.Figure` object to add to the manager. """ self.pytex.add_created(Fig.file_name) self._figure_registry[ref] = {'number': self.fig_count, 'Figure': Fig} self.fig_count += 1
[docs] def save_figure(self, ref, fig=None, fname=None, fext='.pdf', **kwargs): """ Save a figure to a file, and track it using this manager object. Parameters ---------- ref : `str` A `str` to use as a key inside this manager, and to add to the filename and to use a the latex reference. fig : object A figure object of a type that has an entry in the `~texfigure.Manager.savefig_functions` dictionary. If None it will be assumed that the current ``pyplot`` figure is to be used and `~matplotlib.pyplot.gcf` will be called. fname : `str` The file name to be used, not including the extension or the path. fext : `str` The file extension to be used to save the file. kwargs : `dict` Other keyword arguments are passed onto the save figure function. Returns ------- Fig : `texfigure.Figure` The `~texfigure.Figure` object added to this `~texfigure.Manager`. """ if fig is None: fig = plt.gcf() fname = self.make_figure_filename(ref, fname=fname, fext=fext, fullpath=True) for atype in self.savefigure_functions.keys(): if issubclass(type(fig), atype): fname = self.savefigure_functions[atype](fig, fname, **kwargs) Fig = Figure(fname, reference=ref) self.add_figure(ref, Fig) return Fig
[docs] def get_figure(self, ref): """ Get the `~texfigure.Figure` object corresponding to the given reference. Parameters ---------- ref : `str` The Figure reference Returns ------- Figure : `texfigure.Figure` The Figure object. """ return self._figure_registry[ref]['Figure']
[docs] def get_multifigure(self, nrows, ncols, refs, reference=''): """ Return a `texfigure.MultiFigure` object made up of a set of figure references stored in this `~texfigure.Manager` instance. Parameters ---------- nrows : `int` Number of rows for the MultiFigure. ncols : `int` Number of columns for the MultiFigure. refs : `list` A list of figure references no more than nrows * ncols long. reference : `str` The reference for the `texfigure.MultiFigure` object. Returns ------- multfigure : `texfigure.MultiFigure` The initilised and populated multifigure object. """ if len(refs) > nrows * ncols: raise ValueError("You can not specify more references than number " "of spaces in your multifigure grid.") mf = MultiFigure(nrows, ncols, reference=reference) for ref in refs: lfig = self.get_figure(ref) mf.append(lfig) return mf